sexta-feira, 30 de julho de 2010


[*] As frases em inglês (original)

(a) In the long echoing streets the laughing dancers throng. (Keats)
(b) And the long carpets rose along the gusty floor. (Keats)
(c) I bring you with reverent hands
__ The books of my numberless dreams. (Yeats)
(d) 'Tis no sin love's fruit to steal
__ But the sweet theft to reveal. (Jonson)
(e) His fair large Front and eye sublime declard
__ Absolute Rule. (Milton, describing Adam)
(f) Gazing he spoke, and kindling at the view
__ His eager arms around the goddess threw
__ Glad earth perceives, and from her bosom pours
__ Unbidden herbs and voluntary flowers.
(Pope, translating Homer's Iliad, where Zeus makes love
to his wife Hera)

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